A Note from Dr. Genz
Y’all, it is way more expensive (& way less fun) to travel the road of disease, when faced with the alternative of a pathway to health. The problem is too often, due to a perceived lack of time and money (& often ignorance), and the collective need for immediate gratification, we as doctors fail to even offer our patients the true option of health. We fail to take the time to ask the right questions, to listen, to communicate with other providers. We fail to slow down. Because we can’t. In the conventional medical and dental model, we cannot afford to slow down. But guess what? People are sick. People are hurting. People are surviving (barely) through chemistry, when they could be thriving, if someone could just possess the knowledge and take the time to put their puzzle back together again.
After becoming Airway Aware (knowing the far reaching consequences of poor and inefficient oxygen delivery to our brains and bodies), and subsequently becoming Airway Obsessed (on a relentless pursuit of acquiring the knowledge, skills, expertise and collaborative connections needed to intervene and treat the conditions that I now see EVERYwhere I look), I am constantly awestruck by how very inter-connected and sophisticated our bodies truly are.
The Whole Tooth is the place where I have been able integrate how I operate and think personally - in a safer, holistic and integrative manner - with how I practice professionally. I am proud to welcome you to my very own dental home.
The holistic, or biological, approach to dentistry and life is neither easy, nor popular, and is considered by many of my conventional dental colleagues as crazy.... but, in the wise words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.”
I know better. Time to do better. Welcome to The Whole Tooth! I cannot wait to meet you.