Cavities don’t always mean bad dental habits.

Although largely preventable, cavities remain the most common oral disease among children.

There are so many misconceptions around what a cavity is and why you may be getting them. The answer is not always as simple as brushing or flossing more.

We all know that person with impeccable hygiene who always seems to have a new cavity every visit. When we view the person as a whole, we recognize that disease in the mouth is closely related and interconnected with the health of the body.

When the gut is unhealthy, the health of the mouth can be easily disrupted. You may have the best nutrition and are taking the best supplements, but if your gut is out of balance you’re not absorbing them properly.

We always want to know more, do more, and support you on your health journey.

Prevention is key!

What people think cavities are:

  • A normal part of life

  • Caused solely from excessive sugar intake

  • Caused by poor oral hygiene (not brushing and flossing)

  • A floride deficiency

  • A hole in a tooth that simply needs to be filled

What cavities actually are:

  • The most common oral disease

  • Caused by nutritional deficiencies

  • A result of imbalanced oral microbiome

  • Easily preventable when give the tools to do so

Veronica Bradley
Creative Director and Copywriter specializing in advertising, Websites, marketing materials, recognition, and prestige.

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