Your circadian rhythm effects all of your body’s biological systems.

When your sleep-wake cycle is off, you may be experiencing fatigue, insomnia, poor performance at work, stress and irritability…

Did you also know that an imbalanced circadian rhythm plays a major role in the health of our mouths?

When your circadian rhythm is off, it affects all biological systems of the body. This includes the mouth. Chronic dysregulation results in changes in salivary flow and content, impaired remineralization of tooth structure, and increases the risk of disease processes including cancer and autoimmune disease.

Quality sleep is so important for a number of reasons and this is just another important one. If you have been experiencing trouble falling asleep, waking up tired, or other symptoms of imbalance there are some great ways to get your circadian rhythm back on track.

Establish a sleep routine

Avoid alcohol and caffeine in the evening

Exercise Daily

Get sunlight first thing

Limit screen time

Avoid taking naps through the day

Practice mindfulness and meditation

Do you want to hear more about sleep’s impact on oral health?

Veronica Bradley
Creative Director and Copywriter specializing in advertising, Websites, marketing materials, recognition, and prestige.

Fluoride was once used to treat hyperthyroidism.


Chronic stress can affect your oral health.