Thoughts and Insights from Dr. Genz
A Dental Wellness Blog
Holistic Dentistry. Join the club!
Say goodbye to those pesky annual maximums and restrictive insurance policies because most cosmetic and biological procedures are covered under our membership.
Gum Health is Wealth
Did you know your gums are like the superheroes of your smile? They're super important for keeping your mouth healthy and happy!
The Healing Power of Salivary Testing with a Biological Dentist
In our quest for a healthier and natural lifestyle, we tend to forget the importance of oral health. The mouth, after all, is the window to the rest of your body. Dental care goes beyond fixing cavities and straightening teeth: the overall well being of your oral health can profoundly impact your overall health.
Let’s Talk About Your TMJ
Years of living with jaw pain, frequent headaches, and other symptoms relating to TMJ discomfort can significantly impact your quality of life. If you’re looking for relief, working with a biological dentist to look within and beyond the mouth may be the answer.
Cavities don’t always mean bad dental habits.
There are so many misconceptions around what a cavity is and why you may be getting them.
Your body knows what it needs.
Give your body the fuel it needs to thrive, grant it the movement to keep it well, and care for the mind to support overall well-being
Snoring means there’s a problem.
An upper airway obstruction starves that brain from the oxygen it requires to thrive.
Should I really change my toothbrush every three months?
Yes! You should change your electric brush head or your toothbrush every three months.
Why does biocompatibility matter?
It is pertinent to know what the most biocompatible, or “body friendly”, materials are that can be placed and support the body.
Fluoride was once used to treat hyperthyroidism.
Flouride was once used to treat hyperthyroidism. If you’re struggling with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, it’s time to take a deeper look into your oral care products and your water source.